you want to disable tracking"? Does a bear shit in the woods? But, I have
no choice. Of this I am certain. (can I "like" the idea though?) I
tend to be a bit of a conspiracy theorist. In fact, any minority that isn't I
admit I view with a bit of apprehension, dismay and perhaps disdain. A minority
friend recently said to me that getting involved in thoughts of conspiracy are
pointless because it
doesn't matter how much you think about it because there is nothing to you can
do about it. I think this is in itself a conspiration of silence in which we
are encouraged to participate. If those in power can convince you to say
nothing about the moderately-to-obviously questionable then they can convince a
person to simply agree on the mild, but deadly offenses one sees everyday. Shit
is shoveled into our faces daily and we digest it—in every sense of the word—
simply (in our metaphorical stomachs, our brains, and on social media) as long
as the cookies we get after our blood is drawn is made with splenda (like)
because we have can always say we've swallowed worse. I strive to simply not
learn to tolerate the taste, even if it's sugar loaded and sprinkled with
government-issued crack (like). Perhaps I have spit it out on others once too
often. But, even regurgitated I sadly predict that most will swallow it in my
stead like malnourished chicks. To not think of conspiracies that may exist
simply because its easier to do so or for fear of sounding crazy DETERMINES
that you can and will do nothing about them... ever. Count on it: Those in
power do. Prophecy fulfilled. The bear has taken the diarrhetic and is headed
into the woods. Also, while typing this "facebook" pops up as a typo
until I capitalized the "F". (like). Fuck it if I'm the only
non-crazy one around... I understand and accept exactly what that means. That
you think I don't makes YOU crazy. (like) Now, if you'll excuses me, I have to
finish chopping this tree down in the forest... and I spit that fucking pill
It's that time again!!! # FBF of # AMERICANHISTORYMONTH . This photo gallery is brought to you by my mother and called... # WOMENSMARCH !! It took me along time to write this... pardon me if I say something stupid. Feminine is a funny Word. I cannot define the phenomenon of feminine, for it is neither my place nor my aim... but I like it. For many reasons in many ways, always. In some societies it is softness. The wilting flower. The tender petals. In some cultures it is rubenesque. In some thin. Sometimes Athena, sometimes Oshun.... blah blah blah. But... Quick Tale: When I was growing up, I had a diverse array of friends of all light frequencies. And I never thought much of it. Once I had a conversation with my mother about how she sometimes felt uneasy around groups of white men and women. I found this weird, as my mom's friends were also Bennetton-ad-esque. She pointed out to me that her difficulty with Whit...
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