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Many people (idiots) ask the question. "Well... why don't we have a white history month?!" Well here you go! #ThrowbackThursday!! The month is short so I'm gonna have to stack these a bit. #TBT#whitepeoplemakingblackhistory 
As American as picnics...

Water Parks
and walking the old dog!
I call this first series BRUH-NCH. Here's some "old-timey" photos from way back when... 55 years ago with some young black thugs breaking the law... trying to gentrify this brunch spot... bringing property values down... And some brave citizens restoring order! Notontheirwatch!

The first image I'll call "HORSE COLLAR" because, I mean, that's even illegal in the NFL and they don't give a SHIT about the health of black people.
This second picture is gonna be called "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE! I DRINK IT UP!" because that's what these strong ass brothers and sisters (not all of them black, of course) were thinking the whole time they were getting beat up and trashed by these scared, bigoted reactionary idiots. The last is called "THAT AIN'T KETCHUP". 
It's from a little event know as "Axe Handle Saturday".

Thank god we've learned our place since then... Law enforcement has it under control! Now, perhaps some people can get off my back for not liking crowds. Damn, we are some pretty tolerant motherfuckers, huh. Just you wait! So much #AmericanHistoryMonth left! And don't you northerners fret! I got you!

No worries: I'll keep #FlashbackFridays lighter (read: blacker). (Side note: Given the average age of this crowd, most of these people could still be alive. My my my... get that Social Security Agnes... Get it Merle! You served your country by not serving us!!)


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