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“P_BUTT for PRESIDENT?!” or why I‘m Shouting in my SOULJAH BOY voice about WHITE JESUS

Alright. So, I am tired of clogging people’s feeds with comments... for now.  Furthermore, i think some of you might feel as I do.  Sooo... I will tag those inspiring the idea and tell all of you folks what’s good. Keith Eric Davis has posted Paul Buttigieg videos (Both on “The View” and its sister program “The Breakfast Club”) and I find the guy fascinating.  I was enthralled by his presence. He seems... good, in the most honest and righteous sense.  I am so glad Keith posted them. I had heard hints of the man but hadn’t heard him speak. His name is dumb... that’s why. Seriously... He seems astute and wise and cool. Gay mayor... aight? I’m listenin... Then Lindsey Pearlman posted about how calming his voice was... and I AGREE.  But that along with one other thing are glaring red flags for me. In typical KVT fashion, I replied... “Nah White Jesus is whack” (literal reply). When asked to elaborate I was like hold on nigga damn I’m flippin these birds right now.” (slight paraphrase)

Keith Eric Davis because on “The View” you posted.   So, I’ll say first and foremost, I find Paul BUTTIGIEG fascinatingly well-rounded and considerate. Fair and judicious in his approaches. A halmark of white progress said with literally no irony... and he’s gay which would have moved me 25 years ago but well, he’s caucasian... 

And then... BOOM... White Jesus showed up and he’s the equavalent of the dude who “just so happened” to have his guitar in his car and came to the a black barbecue armed with a bunch of boner-killing 60s songs about protests he didn’t go to.

My my my am I damaged by the presence and lordship of white jesus.  I felt, watching the view interview what I would call akin to a flashback and foreshadowing...

I don’t care who you are... The CHRIST of the WHITES is not for black folk and I will never believe you if you say he will be the way... It shuts me down immediately.  When I speak of WHITE JESUS I speak of white christianity that traveled with just about every boat for the new world, Eastern Asia, Africa and Australia because WHITE JESUS is adventurous and enterprising.  I am talking about the WHITE JESUS that convinced so many slaves that salvation after death is the ONLY thing to look forward to because WHITE JESUS loves Black compliance.  I’m triggered by WHITE JESUS, worthy of worship over the gods that bring you luck love and balance from you place of natural origin (whatever that means).  I am talking about the WHITE JESUS that keeps 48 states allowing for the conditional marriage of chidren (no minimum age in 17 of those states) and the White Jesus that allows ministers, clergymen and women, parents and cousins to molest children without a word because WHITE JESUS is Polite when poor folks are suffering. WHITE JESUS COLLECTS 10% from the generationally poor to give to the voluntarily and piously poor, recieving from the masses.

    WHITE JESUS has never served more than the WHITE MISSION... WHITE JESUS is the “god in whom we trust” on our money, and like our money it is backed by nothing tangible.  FUCK WHITE JESUS... He kills you with your own kindness.  The borg in Tevas. WHITE JESUS calls the cops on sinners and WHITE JESUS knows you can’t be Jesus if you ain’t white.  So the thoughts of a Religious left is nauseating.

What the fuck is the “Christian” call to service beyond cherrypicking the select few doing the lion’s share of good? The bible is a good book.  a real page turner... but so.  Unless you talking NAPPY JESUS... maybe with a Jheri curl in 80s... you can miss me. Nappy Jesus knows all the words to “Passing me By” by the Pharcyde and also respects the emotional depths and darkness of Beach Boys catalogue. And honestly we kick it... but [insert aproppriate “I Ain’t Mad At Cha” lyric here]

  There is a Muslim call to service, there is a Judaic call to service there is a Buddhist call to service, etc...  Who gives a fuck?  If you are called to serve, then serve... I don’t give a fuck what time you pray or who you’re rap battling at when you do it.  But that Christian call to service as a tent pole for new ideas is as horseshit now as it has been for the better part of 1,500 years (I’ll allow for the time before NAPPY JESUS posthumously sold out and started talking white). 

I don‘t think it ever existed, and if P-BUTT continues on that platform as his means of actionable steps toward realizing what sounds to be a very solid understanding of American sociopolitical nuance, we (meaning the working class people of color whose cloth I am cut from) will find ourselves once again sold out for POLITE WHITE JESUS: the murderer of dark peoples and posessor of infite cheeks. FUCK THAT NIGGA WHITE JESUS.

When P-Butt was on the Breakfast Club I was like “yes good job... but how?” When P-Butt tweeted “I didnt carry an Assualt weapon around a foreing country so I could come home and see them used to massacre my countrymen” I thought, “That’s cute, but that’s exactly what you did that for... wait... why do YOU think you went? For “service”? To bring them “democracy”? (That’s military slang for WHITE JESUS parties, which are chaperoned by the NSA).

I love so many talking points this man makes... but I can only think one thing over and over and over again... Now allow me to slip into something a little more Souljah Boy:   “SOOTHING?! CALM?! CALM?!” He’s just a non-urban, non-brassy, non-Jew Bernie... lite.  But those are the things that make Bernie so much more MOVING.  His lack of WHITE CHRIST “faith” makes him intolerant of intolerance. His urban presence, specifically in times and places where the decisive need for radical action was understood DOESN’T MAKE me calm.  It ACTIVATES my pessimism.

But P-BUTT is astute, and on a good track... and I am listening... Have to if I’m going to choose correctly.  But, I’m letting you know: a man preaching the merits of WHITE JESUS while mayor the land of TOUCHDOWN JESUS (which is just a less polite top evolution of the WHITE JESUS POKEMON) then you can expect a a lot of side eye.

In summation I will leave you with this: My FAVORITE BROADWAY SONG OF ALL TIME from 1776... note the recipe... WHITE JESUS  keeps the trade afloat.


Molasses to Rum-1776

Also: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Someone. hire me to sing this song.


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