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Showing posts from 2019

Madison at Manhattanville

This is Madison. She is a bold young lady. She liked my drawing  and told me so. Then she and sat down after she finished her homework she immediately set up shop and started drawing ponies. She needed color and luckily I had the pencils the lady friend lent me. Now we have talked about ponies, "equestrians" (pronounced properly) "Cess Academy" (pronounced improperly... I hope) and she has decided that she will draw with me every day. My first new NYC friend! She is a student at Harper Arts and Science. She designed a computer with ponies on it. I haven't drawn in 30 minutes... some things are more important, I'm learning. She wanted me to help her draw her friend Jenny, the batista. She asked me to draw the lips for her. Nailed it. #prismacolorpencils #blackgirlmagic  # drawing #ponies #cessacademy

God’s Work

Still feeling weird so opted to hoop the other day. In jeans.   I called my dad to chat about life. Lottery tickets, his car wrecks, my bum ass boredom... then I played some 2s wit some clowns. New York rules means who ever is loudest and least impressed is right, apparently.  There were beautiful black kids all over this Brooklyn school playground. Playing ball, talking shit.  A father played with his kindergartener son in corn rows, watching the tike take terrible shots that fall a foot and a half below the rim.  I watch his dad joyfully feign disappointment.  I remember those times with my dad. A loud mouth skinny Brooklyn guy, maybe my age asks if I want to run. I say hold on. I finish my call and hang up. My shot ain’t falling but who gives a fuck... I’m from Chicago... fuck these little niggas. Whooped that ass in jeans and a kangol.  Me and a high school kid who never learned to pass or layup whooped these grown men. Once the teammates were fighting ...

“P_BUTT for PRESIDENT?!” or why I‘m Shouting in my SOULJAH BOY voice about WHITE JESUS

Alright. So, I am tired of clogging people’s feeds with comments... for now.  Furthermore, i think some of you might feel as I do.  Sooo... I will tag those inspiring the idea and tell all of you folks what’s good. Keith Eric Davis has posted Paul Buttigieg videos (Both on “The View” and its sister program “The Breakfast Club”) and I find the guy fascinating.  I was enthralled by his presence. He seems... good, in the most honest and righteous sense.  I am so glad Keith posted them. I had heard hints of the man but hadn’t heard him speak. His name is dumb... that’s why. Seriously... He seems astute and wise and cool. Gay mayor... aight? I’m listenin... Then Lindsey Pearlman posted about how calming his voice was... and I AGREE.  But that along with one other thing are glaring red flags for me. In typical KVT fashion, I replied... “Nah White Jesus is whack” (literal reply). When asked to elaborate I was like hold on nigga damn I’m flippin these birds right now.” ...